2023 Workplace Trends That Are Here to Stay As the new year begins, we’re poised to reflect upon how the workplace has continued to shift. 2022 was a year of playing catch up. 2023 was about asking ourselves if the solid ground we’re working to rebuild is what we really want – and need. The […]
Operational Procedures: The Key To Solve A Scarcity Mindset Are you operating with a scarcity mindset? If the answer is yes – you’re not alone. If the answer is no…perhaps you can’t be so sure. It’s taken hold of so many of us as we have become a siloed and digitally driven workforce. And let’s […]
Processes and Systems: The Solution to Your Stealth Employee Expectations “Disappointment is unmet expectations. The more significant the expectations, the more significant the disappointment.” -Brene Brown In her most recent book, Brene Brown discusses the type of expectations found in her work: expectations that are unexamined and unexpressed – stealth expectations – and examined and […]
Workplace Boundaries: Cultivating Meaningful and Lasting Success Boundary setting is more than work-life integration. As a workplace and society, we are more anxious, more distracted, and sleeping far less than recommended to live a healthy and fulfilling life. So, what’s it going to take to turn this car around and fix it? The solution: Boundaries. […]
Kindness: The Natural Process and System Integrator Kindness in the workplace is nothing short of transformative. Becoming a leader in workplace kindness is revolutionary in this day and age, and ensures your organization stands out from the rest. Kindness is incredibly motivating, and cultivates loyalty amongst employees. We’ve seen it time and time again with […]
Workplace Curiosity: The Overlooked Ingredient of Efficient Process Work So much of our work here at Poka-Yoke Solutions centers around cultivating workplace curiosity. After observing thousands of employees across various industries and sectors of the workforce, it’s astonishing that 95% of employees never question what they’re doing. Perhaps they complain and are disgruntled about what […]
Employee Engagement: Techniques to Jump Start Your Synergy Keeping employees engaged is like keeping the wheels of a car moving forward. Without employee engagement, everything comes to a screeching halt. And while we’re on the metaphor, imagine how well your company would run if employees feel motivated, appreciated, and engaged? A speeding car headed towards […]
Elevating Your Daily Operations: Day-to-Day Issues That Are Holding Your Organization Hostage In our line of work, we see a multitude of day-to-day issues that can be attributed to missing foundational operations work. This is particularly evident when we sit down with various team members during the initial listening stages of our work. These are […]
Does All Your Businesses’ Knowledge Live In Your Head? Read This. This is one of the most common reasons a client hires us. In most situations, companies have experienced a massive growth spurt or recently transitioned the company to new leadership. While you’re busy leading the company to new heights…. What about all of the […]
Poka-Yoke Solutions is a Woman-Owned award winning Operations Agency! While we help our clients make leaps and bounds, we are making sure to find the time to celebrate our own achievements, accomplishments, and leaps and bounds! Without further ado… We are certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council […]